Hartford Work-Based Learning Network Launches New Website!

Career Pathways


Connecticut faces an aging population. There is projected to be a 72% increase in the population 65 or older between 2006 and 2030. This rapidly aging demographic will result in an increased need for healthcare workers, particularly those skilled in gerontology and long-term care. From 2005 to 2011, the number of healthcare and social assistance workers in the region increased by over 11,000. Demands for skilled health care workers continue to outpace the growth of the workforce.

Through interviews, surveys, focus groups, and experience managing training initiatives, CWP has found that low-income health care workers:

  • possess basic literacy skill deficiencies;
  • lack basic job readiness skills such as punctuality and customer service;
  • have inadequate computer literacy and technology skills;
  • face challenges in clinical areas; and,
  • misunderstand their opportunities for work/educational advancement and earnings increases.

Moreover, employers report that workforce skills deficiencies contribute to unacceptable outcomes for clients and employees. Both employers and low-income incumbent workers cite work-life challenges as contributing factors to performance and career stability. Healthcare reform brings a new set of challenges for healthcare employers which include the critical need for training in healthcare information technology and medical coding. CWP, in partnership with MACH (Metro Hartford Alliance for Careers).

Construction & Energy

In the late 1990’s, construction was booming in Hartford, Connecticut. However, over time, with the downturn in the economy, construction jobs contracted. In response, in 2011, Capital Workforce Partners completed a broad view of the construction activity that was, or would be, happening within the North Central Region of Connecticut to understand the demand and opportunity over the next three to five years.

The study found that between 2011 and 2015, there was approximately $775 million in planned construction per year. This was predicted to result in 6,000 jobs annually, generating earnings of approximately $530 million per year. These construction projects focused mainly on the public sector, (e.g., East Hartford/Glastonbury Magnet School), but also highlight private enterprises, (e.g., Eppendorff’s expansion in Enfield). An update to the report in March 2015 indicated there were 200 projects pending (47% more projects than in March 2012), with an approximate $7.7 billion value (up 28% from March 2012).

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