Center for Latino Progress
Program Name: Bike Mechanics Summer Project
This BiCi Co. project is a 3-week Summer Internship program for youth 14-16 years old. We run 2 cohorts ending right before school starts. The curriculum is designed to have the youth:
- Learn Introductory Bike Mechanic skills through live demonstrations, videos, and a hands-on experience.
- Learn about Hartford, CT Bicycle History in the city of Hartford as African American Cycling History.
- Engage in community building activities including CT Urbanists bench builds.
- Become oriented with conflict resolution and professionalism in the workplace, learn time management, and gain problem-solving skills, all to prepare them for the workforce.
- Contribute to BiCi Co shop organization.
- Career Readiness Instruction.
Supports Available Through Program: Transportation, guidance, mentoring, self-care instruction, Career Development instruction
Contact Details
Program Lead Point of Contact: Michael Thompson
BiCiCo Programs Coordinator
Location Address |
97 Park St. Hartford, CT 06106 |
Program Details
Career Continuum Program Level: Career Awareness
Badges/Credentials Offered: Mentoring / Guidance, Internship (Unpaid)
Other Badges/Credentials Offered: Community Engagement, Sustainable Transportation
Length of Program: Three weeks
Target Population: Age - < 17, Other
Target Population Gender: TBD
Eligibility Requirements: Age < 17, Other
Eligibility Requirements Other: Youth 14-16
Residency Eligibility Requirements: Greater Hartford Region
Service Type: Career Competency Training, Guidance and Counseling, Leadership Development
Service Type Other: Incentives and a free bike, lights, and helmet.
Sector: Transportation / Distribution / Logistics
Schedule (When is your program offered?): TBD
Capacity for Each Implementation (Target Number): 10
Website/Marketing Materials for Program
Marketing Materials Downloads: